Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) Zoom Session recording of the DÉKÌ:DÀTBÀ BÁT [GÁUI[DÒÑ:ZÀNYÌ! Day-kee-daht-bah baht kgawy-tdohn-zahn-yee! (Speak Kiowa Every Day!) Kiowa Language Community Outreach Event session conducted by the Anadarko and Norman Area Teacher Candidate Cohorts and Elder Mentors. Topics included presentations by Kiowa Language Teacher Candidates: “It’s All About K’ee!” Presentation, “Students Conversing in Kiowa” from Indians for Indians Radio Show (1962), “Every Day Speak to Your Relatives in Kiowa” Presentation, “Kiowa Conversation” Presentation, “A Mother and Daughter Conversation in Kiowa” Presentation, “The Passenger Train” Presentation, “Señde [Doñgya” (Saynday Says) Game as well as Kiowa Elder Mentors Conversation: Kiowa Idioms and Sayings, an invitation to participants to ask questions and sharing; and information about the Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program. Held on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.
KLCRP Anadarko Norman Outreach 10 27 2021