Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) Zoom Session recording of the Séndé hêñ[dègyà – Sayn-day Hayhn-tday-gyah (Saynday Stories) Kiowa Language Community Outreach Event session conducted by the Anadarko and Norman Area Teacher Candidate Cohorts and Elder Mentors. Topics included presentations by Kiowa Language Teacher Candidates: Séndé hêñ[dègyà: Information about Saynday Stories; Kûidàu: Pulling Out Kiowa Origin Saynday Story; Bàihên [dègyà: Read-a-loud of the Saynday Brings the Sun story; Èmhâñmémá gàu Séndé: Read-a-loud of the Mrs. Ant Woman and Saynday story; Séndé Áu:bíñ: Bá: retelling of the Saynday Goes Fishing story; “Séndé gàu K’ópsáupól:” a video presentation of puppets combining 2 Saynday stories; Séndé T’áukáuik’í Ts’ánhólhèl: a performance of the Saynday Tricks the White Man story; Kiowa Culture Program #112: Listening to the tape #112 of Kiowa Elders Isabel Twohatchett and Steven Zotigh each sharing a Saynday story with commentary by Mr. Lewis Toyebo regarding the importance of Saynday to the Kiowa people; Information about the Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) and the Anadarko and Norman groups; Invitation to Participants: Asking Questions and Sharing. Opening Prayer by Elder Mentor Mrs. Delores Toyebo Harragarra and Closing Prayer by Elder Mentor Mrs. Dorothy Whitehorse DeLaune. Held on Wednesday, December 22, 2021.
KLCRP Anadarko Norman Outreach 12 22 2021