Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) Zoom Session recording of the Séndé hêñ[dègyà – Sayn-day Hayhn-tday-gyah (Saynday Stories) Kiowa Language Community Outreach Event session conducted by the Anadarko and Norman Area Teacher Candidate Cohorts and Elder Mentors. Topics included presentations by Kiowa Language Teacher Candidates: Séndé hêñ[dègyà: Information about Saynday Stories; Kûidàu: Pulling Out Kiowa Origin Saynday Story; Bàihên [dègyà: Read-a-loud of the Saynday Brings the Sun story; Èmhâñmémá gàu Séndé: Read-a-loud of the Mrs. Ant Woman and Saynday story; Séndé Áu:bíñ: Bá: retelling of the Saynday Goes Fishing story; “Séndé gàu K’ópsáupól:” a video presentation of puppets combining 2 Saynday stories; Séndé T’áukáuik’í Ts’ánhólhèl: a performance of the Saynday Tricks the White Man story; Kiowa Culture Program #112: Listening to the tape #112 of Kiowa Elders Isabel Twohatchett and Steven Zotigh each sharing a Saynday story with commentary by Mr. Lewis Toyebo regarding the importance of Saynday to the Kiowa people; Information about the Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) and the Anadarko and Norman groups; Invitation to Participants: Asking Questions and Sharing. Opening Prayer by Elder Mentor Mrs. Delores Toyebo Harragarra and Closing Prayer by Elder Mentor Mrs. Dorothy Whitehorse DeLaune. Held on Wednesday, December 22, 2021.