Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program (KLCRP) Zoom Session recording of the [Gaui k’au:do añk’i; Eñ:hau:de:ki; T’op[be:gau; K’yakomba: baudau: Kiowa Sundance of the Past, Kiowas in the Present Day, and Kiowa People into the Future – An Exploration of Kiowa Migration Routes, Camping Movements, and Camp Locations Community Outreach Event session conducted by the Anadarko and Norman Area Teacher Candidate Cohorts and Elder Mentors. This Outreach Event is dedicated in memory of former Kiowa Language Elder Mentor for the KLCRP, Mr. Ernest “Iron” Toppah. Topics included presentations by Kiowa Language Teacher Candidates on the Kiowa Sundance Camp Circle and the organization of Kiowa Bands, historically; an exploration of Kiowa migration routes and [Gaui:domgya (The Kiowa Lands) in North America; sharing about Kiowa camping practices in the past and in modern times; the history of Kiowa Treaties with the U.S. government; history of how Kiowa people came to be located in Oklahoma; and information about the Kiowa Language and Culture Revitalization Program. Held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021.